

When my friend Jill called about three weeks ago and I explained how I was coughing, she exclaimed, “Oh my goodness! You’ve got that old crud!” “You’re kidding!” I replied. “Is that what it is?” “That’s what they call it. I had it for over a month.” Later when another...
Don’t Get Stuck In A Rut

Don’t Get Stuck In A Rut

We spent a good part of our last four-wheeler trip up Red Oak Ridge picking our way around the ruts. You’ve seen them. Those deep kind that come from logging rigs or hunters in pickup trucks that hit the same tracks over and over. The road is dotted with clay pockets...
Facebook! Friend or Foe?

Facebook! Friend or Foe?

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” Ecclesiastes 9:10a. Yes, I am on Facebook, and I have discovered that it is a powerful resource from God to reach out to other people. But I had to learn the hard way. Let me explain. At first I wasn’t too...
Just For Today

Just For Today

Often I have allowed yesterday’s pain and tomorrow’s trouble get my attention. And Satan was right there ready to use them to paralyze me. But God has taught me much from nature and I’ve learned to figure Him in every moment of my life. A while back...
Walk With Me

Walk With Me

From the beginning the road was rough and rocky, but when it led her into the dark forest, all she could do was put one foot in front of the other because she was determined to finish this challenge.  But when the trees began to make whispering sounds, she paused to...
Stay In The Light

Stay In The Light

Yes, we have bears on Bearwallow, and bobcats and coyotes. The bears have not come by this spring, but if they do we will hear them outside, poking through cans and containers looking for food. Bobcats are like shadows. They sneak in late at night when most of the...